
个人 – Volume
个人 – Units


团队 – Volume
团队 – Units

团队 credit will be determined by dividing total Gross Sales Volume and total units by the highest number of team members at any given time during the year.

Special recognition will be provided to the Top 10 applicants in each of the four categories. The total Gross Sales Volume or units (rounded down to the next whole number) will be shown on the applicant's Top Producer certificate.


Shall be defined as those active licensees working for or with a 团队 applicant at any point during the qualifying year as more fully defined above. 团队 members who joined the team after January 1 of the qualifying year and/or left the team prior to December 31 of the qualifying year will be prorated based on the number of months on the team divided by twelve. Partial months will be considered as full months.

Top Producers

Special recognition will be provided to the Top 10 applicants in each of the four categories. The total Gross Sales Volume or units (rounded down to the next whole number) will be shown on the applicant's Top Producer certificate.

ARA Top Producers

Online Application

规则 & 需求

FAQ for Online Portal Application


Phoenix Award

The Board has established the Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Top Producers who have qualified for any ten (10) years in a Board of REALTORS® Top Producers. Current year Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition. Members have the opportunity to purchase the special glass sculpture in addition to the plaque that is presented by the Top Producers.

Crystal Phoenix Award

The Board has established the Crystal Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Top Producers who have qualified for any twenty (20) years in a Board of REALTORS® Top Producers. Current year Crystal Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition. Members have the opportunity to purchase the special glass sculpture in addition to the plaque that is presented by the Top Producers.

Silver Phoenix Award

The Board has established the Silver Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Top Producers who have qualified for any twenty-five (25) years in a Board of REALTORS® Top Producers. Current year Silver Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition.

Gold Phoenix Award

The Board has established the Gold Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Top Producers who have qualified for any thirty (30) years in a Board of REALTORS® Top Producers. Current year Gold Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition.

Platinum Phoenix Award

The Board has established the Platinum Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Top Producers who have qualified for any thirty-five (35) years in a Board of REALTORS® Top Producers. Current year Platinum Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition.

Diamond Phoenix Award

The Board has established the Diamond Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Top Producers who have qualified for any forty (40) years in a Board of REALTORS® Top Producers. Current year Diamond Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition.

Sapphire Phoenix Award

The Board has established the Sapphire Phoenix Award to be presented to members of the Top Producers who have qualified for any forty-five (45) years in a Board of REALTORS® Top Producers. Current year Sapphire Phoenix Award winners will receive special recognition.

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